Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) Exchange Rate is the list of exchange rates issued for today by Nepal Rastra bank, the central bank of Nepal on daily basis. But as quoted by NRB itself that “Under the present system the open market exchange rates quoted by different banks may differ”. The foreign exchange rates which are listed are India (INR),U.S. Dollar (USD), European Euro (EUR), UK Pound Sterling (GBP), Swiss Franc (CHF), Australian Dollar (AUD), Canadian Dollar (CAD), Singapore Dollar (SGD), Japanese Yen (JPY), Chinese Yuan (CNY), Saudi Arabian Riyal (SAR), Qatari Riyal (QAR), Thai Baht (THB), UAE Dirham (AED), Malaysian Ringgit (MYR), South Korean Won (KRW), Swedish Kroner (SEK), Danish Kroner (DKK), Hong Kong Dollar (HKD), Kuwaity Dinar (KWD) and Bahrain Dinar (BHD).
Exchange Rate for - 2025-03-04
Currency | Unit | Buying/Rs. | Selling/Rs. |
| 100 | Rs.160.00 | Rs.160.15 |
| 1 | Rs.139.50 | Rs.140.10 |
| 1 | Rs.145.78 | Rs.146.41 |
| 1 | Rs.176.47 | Rs.177.23 |
| 1 | Rs.154.79 | Rs.155.46 |
| 1 | Rs.86.83 | Rs.87.21 |
| 1 | Rs.96.69 | Rs.97.11 |
| 1 | Rs.103.46 | Rs.103.90 |
| 10 | Rs.9.25 | Rs.9.29 |
| 1 | Rs.19.13 | Rs.19.21 |
| 1 | Rs.37.20 | Rs.37.36 |
| 1 | Rs.38.28 | Rs.38.44 |
| 1 | Rs.4.08 | Rs.4.10 |
| 1 | Rs.37.99 | Rs.38.15 |
| 1 | Rs.31.24 | Rs.31.37 |
| 100 | Rs.9.56 | Rs.9.60 |
| 1 | Rs.13.07 | Rs.13.13 |
| 1 | Rs.19.55 | Rs.19.63 |
| 1 | Rs.17.94 | Rs.18.02 |
| 1 | Rs.451.79 | Rs.453.74 |
| 1 | Rs.370.10 | Rs.371.69 |
Exchange Rates Fixed by Nepal Rastra Bank |